Project Description

Khafji Joint Operations (KJO)
The offshore Operations covers an area of approximately 7000 square kilometers is in the Partitioned Zone between State of Kuwait and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The natural resources contained therein are equally shared by both countries. The area is currently operated jointly by Kuwait Gulf Oil Company (KGOC representing State of Kuwait) and Aramco Gulf Oil Company, (AGOC, “representing Kingdom of Saudi Arabia). The operations are managed by Khafji Joint Operations (KJO).
This project involves connecting three remote sites with the head office for Voice and Data via Satellite link. The remote sites regularly moves from place to place for drilling in the Joint Operations secured area including Cross Border.
- All these remote sites should be connected using Mobile VSAT antenna and the signal should be locked automatically.
- Requires online stable connectivity for secure end to end transmission.

Gulfsat Solution
Established a private, dedicated, 24/7, reliable and secured satellite star network using SCPC technology for maximum throughput and efficient bandwidth utilization. Solution resolves issues of re-aligning the antenna whenever they move from place to place between rig sites.
- Private Circuit, Secured and Dedicated Connectivity
- Reduced operational and maintenance cost
- 24×7 Online and Field Supports
- Auto Locking Signal